Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Final Version of the First Project

yah.. After working with something for so long you kind of don't want to look at it anymore, but I am still proud of my little pedal power device.

I changed the color as you can see. I also raised the front up and stretched out the sides to add some more stability.

Upon looking at the photo something strange happened when I saved as a .jpg. The logo on the side should be blue and not yellow. Oh well :3


This is what I created after messing around with the sculpt tool for a number of hours. It was a fun to learn and I can huge uses for it for composting pictures and such, and maybe doing some animation, but with so many polys it would be a long render.

Thankfully this render was quick and not exceedingly long.

Monday, December 1, 2008

Final Project: The Braille Pad

This is the first quality render of my final project "Braille Pad." We were asked to design for the other 90% of the worlds population, because most products end up being created for the top 10% of the population. Think of stores like BrookStone or Sharper Image and their products. No one really needs a BBQ Poker that tells the temperature, how done your steak is, the time, the weather and the migration patterns of giant sperm wales.
So I came up with a product that would allow those who are visually impaired to read the internet. The "Braille Pad" would be able to look at the un-styled/print version of websites and recreate all the text into braille. There are 2 major drawbacks of this product.

1: The page that is being converted in to braille needs to be using CSS and have a basic html outline format when un-styled. Or have a printer friendly version of the website that the braille pad could translate from.

2: You need to be able to read braille to use the "Braille Pad." I am currently unaware how widespread the use of braille is.

The product would definitely help those who are braille capable.

Other uses of this product would be for the quick and easy conversion of books and literature to braille. Many books/periodicals could be converted to digital text based documents for the enjoyment of those who would use the braille pad.

To bad this is just a digital rendering..

Monday, November 3, 2008


Today Prof. Park wanted us to step away from our projects for a bit and test our modeling skills. So he gave us the task of creating a unique USB memory stick in under 45mins. This was what I came up with. I thought it would be pretty awesome to have a giraffe sticking out the side of your laptop.

I will admit the modeling was done in 45mins but the textures were and additional 10 or 15mins.

So my pedal power device is in its final stage and here is a mock up of all the different views.
Getting better..!

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Finally Another Post

Haven't posted in a while, but that was mainly because I didn't have anything that I was proud of to post. Well I finally have something That I am sort of proud of.

Our first project for this class is to design a product of some sort. We were given several design competition websites to give us some focus and ideas. I settled on one that was asking for products that would make us, as human beings live more "green."

I did some research and got really interested in electromagnetic induction. Its the same science that goes in behind turbines in a damn. I started thinking what I could make that a normal person could use day to day. Which made me think about bike headlights and how they are powered by the user riding the bike. Which led me to design a similar system but minus a lot of the bike (except the pedals). Which led me to the above image. It is a personal low volt power generator, which I will probably end up naming "Pedal Power" or some other catchy phrase.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Texture Madness!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So, I put a texture on my ant which is harder then it seems. To apply a texture you have to cut out and unfold the image much like cutting a box open so that all the faces of the box are connected but the whole box lays flat. Generally ending up in a cross shape. I know that is not a good explanation, but the best I can do with my frazzled brain right now.

Puppy Cube (& other such nonsense)

Today was our first introduction to texture in blender and we were making basic texture wraps for cubes. I decided to use puppies because it added a level of ridiculousness (as you can see above). :3

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Final Ant

Well our teacher was not feeling well today so class was canceled. He left us with a guide on how to place our "creature" into an actual image. Above is my final product. I think it turned out fairly well. It was hard to get the shadow to curve around the finger just right.

Monday, October 6, 2008


Not done yet, but just decided to upload what I did in class today. On Wednesday we are going to apply our "creatures" to a background. Should be fun :3 !!

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Weekend Homework

Managed to make this by myself!

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Day 2

I think I am getting the hang of this!

Monday, September 29, 2008

Day 1 (my brain hurts)

but at least I made a fork!!! :D